Todd Oprzedek Brings a Message about Preparedness

Todd Oprzedek, Director of Kyte River Baptist Camp finishes the Old Paths Baptist Church "Winter Warm-Up" guest preaching series by bringing a message about preparedness and sharing the good news


Todd Oprzedek, Director of Kyte River Baptist Camp finishes the Old Paths Baptist Church “Winter Warm-Up” guest preaching series by bringing a message about preparedness and sharing the good news.  Click his name highlighted above to watch the video (beginning around the 32 minute mark). Additionally, Brother Oprzedek’s wife Becca (pictured below) shared her vocal talents with the congregation and is included in the live stream video.

Becca Oprzedek singing at Old Paths Baptist Church in Dubuque, IA. Photo by Melissa Anderson

All photo’s by Melissa Anderson

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