Friday, March 28, 2025
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On This Day

Make America Godly Again
When we put it all into perspective, we can easily recognize we are all blessed in more ways that we can count

Two Simple Rules to Follow in 2021

Top 10
That fact alone should cut through the chaos that we face on a daily basis

Man Cannot Take Away What God Has Given

...take solace in knowing that God is in control and put your faith in Him who is the creator and has all power

Are we interested in Clarity or Chaos?

Since the creation of the news business, the adage "If it bleeds it leads", has been at the center of the ethos in "news" reporting.  If you can't make money at it, you can't call it a business, and every business is interested in making as much money as possible. So what sells the most? Chaos. Without a free and fair...

Why #GODmatters in a Secular World

#BLM Dallas May 30 2020
Today, the mere mention of God is tragically considered to be a trigger for a seemingly growing segment of our increasingly secular society.  To them and those who do not have faith in Him, God is sexist, homophobic, xenophobic and any "ism" or phobia with a negative conotation.  If you have that opinion and believe in the current "cancel...

Family and Faith Inspires New Music Project As Strange As Angels: Part 3 of 3

In the conclusion of our 3 part interview with Norman Matthew, founder of As Strange As Angels and owner of The Sound Foundation - Dallas,  and #MischievousMel continue to talk about family, faith and the impact of the film Loud Krazy Love had on both of them and Norman's music.

Family and Faith inspires New Music Project As Strange As Angels: Part 2 of 3

In Part 2 of 3 interview segments with Norman Matthew, creator of As Strange As Angels and owner of The Sound Foundation - Dallas, Norman delves further into what role his faith has within his music and his approach to share without shoving it down peoples throats... to be an example.  

Fatherhood and Faith Inspires As Strange As Angels: Part 1 of 3

Norman Matthew had spent a couple decades touring the country being the lead vocalist of the underground band Murder FM, but then an incredible blessing closed that chapter of his life.  That carreer changing/life altering event was the birth of his son Dexter and not too longer afterwards, becoming a single dad. Suddenly life had a much deeper meaning and...

KORN and Breaking Benjamin in Little Rock Review

It's not often that two bands that have maintained both relevance and popularity, but share little else in common, come together for a major tour.  When it was announced that both KORN and Breaking Benjamin would be touring together, but the closest show for us to attend would be in Little Rock, AR, the 4.5 hour trip (one way) from...

Musical Inspiration: Can-Do-Musos

If you ask someone to close their eyes and describe a "Rock Star", very few would say someone with no arms, no legs, or mention someone with other disabalities. But there is a world of musicians who are differently abled than the rest of us. They, like everyone else who has a passion for...